K-12 December E-Newsletter

The end of an unprecedented year for all of us is quickly drawing to a close! We are looking ahead to the New Year with the hope of coming changes that will help turn the tide of the COVID pandemic in our local and global communities.

To address those changes locally, we will be hosting a Family Forum on January 13th. I encourage all of our families to participate as this will be an opportunity for school-wide dialogue about continued distance learning and future reopening plans.

We are also ready to dive into designing and constructing outdoor classroom spaces at the K-8 and High School. These spaces will be one way that we can safely bring students back to school when the time is right.

In the meantime, please take a moment to complete the EduAct Internet Survey. They are trying to gather information about family internet needs before the end of the calendar year and we want to make sure that the needs of our students are considered.

The Odd Fellows have been hosting a Toy Drive and have received many generous donations. They will be distributing wrapped gifts this Saturday, December 19 in Point Arena. Be sure to stop by between 12:00 - 3:00 on Saturday if your family could use some extra help with gift giving this year.

I hope that everyone is able to enjoy some restful time over the Winter Break before we jump into the New Year!

Take care.

Executive Director

Read the Full E-Newsletter Here