PCCS Governing Documents

The Pacific Community Charter School is a publicly funded Charter School and 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Several key documents help guide the governing of the school:

  • Bylaws. Nonprofit bylaws explain how an organization operates. These rules explain the election process for board members, board meeting guidelines and frequency, compensation disclosures, indemnity clauses, and more.
  • Charter Petition. The charter petition is the central document to establishing a charter. The charter petition outlines the key information on the proposed educational program, student outcomes and assessments, operations, governance, policies, and how the school will meet legal requirements.
  • Charter Renewal. Charter schools are required to be renewed periodically based on specific metrics of school performance. The authorizing agency reviews the Charter Renewal. The Point Arena Schools District serves as our authorizer. Current expiration/renewal dates can be found in the CDE Charter School Database.