K-12 February E-Newsletter


K-5 Outdoor Learning Days

We are expanding our K-5 schedules for outdoor learning days! Teachers will communicate directly with students and families with more details—be sure to check your email regularly.

Forest Kindergarten
Wednesdays. 9:00 - 12:00. Forest days at locations TBA.
Thursdays. 9:00 - 11:30. Outdoors at K-8.
1st - 2nd Class
Tuesdays. 9:00 - 12:15. Windy Hollow Farm.
2nd day to be announced after the break. Outdoors at K-8.
3rd - 5th Class
Mondays. 10:30 - 3:00. Windy Hollow Farm.
Fridays. 10:30 - 3:00. Windy Hollow Farm.

THANK YOU to Cassie, Griffin, Jody, Aisling, Jared, Nate, Heron, Jason and Jessica for lending a hand with the K-8 outdoor classroom! We hope to have this space ready by the end of the month.

Read the Full E-Newsletter Here