week 9; Stornetta Lands

Friday October 18
Waning Gibbous Moon

Today we had a lovely adventure at the Stornetta Lands, and this time we explored further than ever!  We began by walking along the trail that was mapped out by the children at the beginning of the year.  Along the way we stopped for morning circle, and about half way through our circle, someone came walking along the trail with 2 big barking dogs!  It was a perfect opportunity to discuss how to stay safe around unfamiliar dogs, and the children did an excellent job giving the dogs space and keeping themselves calm and safe.  After circle we moved further down the trail, where we found a large grove of cypress trees.  The perfect spot for a game of hide and seek!  We had so much fun playing there!  
Following the games, we went even further down the path, all the way to where the trail overlooks the ocean.  The waves were huge and strong!  The children sat very still and quiet on the trail, listening to the waves crashing on the rocks, and silently pointing out waves that were especially big.  It was a lovely scene and very hard to leave!  The children had the option of which path to take back to the car, and they chose to go the long way.  We walked so much!  It was wonderful!