Week 15; Manchester Dunes

Tuesday December 10, 2019
Waxing Gibbous Moon 
"Everything was my favorite part!" shouted a very enthusiastic kindergartner as we shared our highlights of the day on the drive home.  And indeed today was amazingly fun!  We began by trekking out to the "rolling down dunes" where we came together for circle and learned a new song.  After circle and snack we went off to play in the dunes, making sand angels and rolling down the dunes in the soft sand.  After a short while we broke into 2 groups; one group stayed where they were with Ms. Lili and worked together to build a magnificent city of sand.  The other group took off with me (Ms. Audrey) on a wandering adventure to explore and seek out treasures.  We found some cool bones hidden among the lumps of tall grasses, including a small jaw bone.  We then meandered our way to the beach where we found some beautiful shells and pieces of driftwood.  
And then!  ... Out in the ocean, and so close to the shore, we saw a pod of dolphins swimming in the same direction we were walking!  It was REALLY exciting!  There were about 5 dolphins in the pod (the same number of children we had in our pod!) and we sang them a song to let them know how happy we were to see them.  Leaving the beach and dolphins was especially hard, but eventually we said goodbye and moved into a game of quietly stalking the other group.  And as we crawled ever so quietly on our bellies... the other group was moving ever so quietly to stalk up on us!  We finally met each other on either side of a grass clump, where we jumped up and scared each other!  We then played the "Teacher Monster game" as we chased each other along the trail and back to the van.  It was a truly delightful adventure day!